Before paying, remember that we offer a free trial :)
Last updated
Before paying, remember that we offer a free trial :)
Last updated
We have a few different payment options:
Pay pr. Axie
Lifetime membership
No need for deep pockets: allows anyone access to our professional tools - we believe that not just venture capitalists should be able to have solid automated tools for Axie!
Pay pr. Axie: also for those who are unsure about the future of Axie, and want to be careful with their investments.
We accept SLP deposits for which we credit your Street Cred balance 1:1 (with applied discounts). The Street Cred is then used to pay for the analysis on a pr. Axie basis.
The price pr. Axie in Street Cred varies based on economic conditions. We target 1% the average cost of creating an Axie.
The price will always be visible in the preflight analysis before any Street Cred is debited from your account.
If you have a discount you will see it in the top right like so:
In this case, depositing 100 SLP would result in a 12% increase in the received Street Cred. You would receive 112 Street Cred.
Lifetime membership: Is for those who are bullish on Axie, know that they will be using the tool for a while and want to save.
We offer a lifetime membership for 1 ETH. Lifetime memberships will offer access to all current and future features of the Fish Pimp tool ecosystem, and saves you the hassle of depositing SLP.
We are working on getting connected to the Ronin wallet. Once this is possible, our payment system will be even more frictionless!