Preflight analysis

Lets check if everything is in order before we take off

Good to know: The preflight analysis exists to allow you to verify that you have entered the desired information before being charged.

Once you've selected at least one build and at least one Ronin, you can press the preflight button. This action is free of charge.

The preflight analysis will appear:

What you see here will depend in the build and Ronin input given.

  1. How many relevant Axies were found and will be included in the analysis and perhaps charged for. This number is potentially affected by the Build Detect levels.

  2. How many of those Axies we recommend selling. This might be affected by the Sell Level set in the builds. If we recommend selling all the Axies, it probably means you have chosen the wrong build or misconfigured the build.

  3. How many of those Axies we recommend breeding.

  4. How many Axies will be charged for. This number is not necessarily the same as the number of Axies in the analysis, since some of the could already have been paid for. In the example given, 27 of the Axies has already been paid for.

  5. The total price in Street Cred for the full analysis.

If you're happy with the results, you can continue on by pressing the analyse button.

Last updated