Axie builds

The builds are at the core of Axie breeding. Inventing and testing builds is one of the most fun activities available in Axie - therefore we let you do that.

Choosing builds

If you need information to help you choose the Axies you want to breed, head on over to Axie Labs - they have tons of relevant information.

Good to know: Once you've played around and selected a build you want to produce and have a few axies to breed, you're ready to use Fish Pimp.

Adding builds

Name and parts

On the Breed & Pair page, you can find the build maker. Press the button to display it.

At first, give your build a fitting name.

Then use the dropdowns to add the parts that you consider valid for the build. Below is an example Double Anemone build.

Basic adjustments

The basic settings come with a few extra knobs you can play with for the perfect pairing balance.

Build detect

0 - 1000

This is the Axie purity threshold for an Axie to be considered relevant to include in the analysis. Axies below this level will be ignored and not charged for.

This can be useful if you have a Ronin address with many Axies on it, and don't want all of them to be included in the analysis.

Imagine having 1000 Axies in an account, but you only want to include those that are of a certain quality in relation to the build.

Sell level

0 - 1000

If the Axie's score is less than this, it will go on the sell list.

This score is impacted by the traits you input, and is modified by changing the impact of eye and ear weights. If an Axie has a dominant trait not in the build, it's score will be 0, and it will be a sell.

Move this value closer to 1000 to be more strict on axie quality, however the default 875 is a good starting point.

EE weight (Eyes and ears weight)

0 - 1000

The eye and ear weight value changes the impact that they have on an axis score.

1000 means they are treated equally important as a body trait. 0 means they are not considered.

EE Pairing impact (Eyes and ears pairing impact)

0 - 1000

The eye and ear pairing impact is similar to the eye and ear weight value, but this applies to the pairing function. If this value is 1000, axies with eye and ear problems will be considered low quality.

An axie with a perfect body but has eye and ear problems will likely be at the bottom of the list with other low quality axies. Move this value closer to 0 to reduce their impact. Default 500 is a good starting point.

Using builds

Once you've added your builds, they can be selected and used for the analysis.

You can search the builds in the builds dropdown which will be filtered as you type. You can select as many builds as you like for the analysis.

A selected build appears like this:

The buttons on a selected build will Edit, Duplicate or Delete the given build. You can also click the name to remove the build from the analysis.

Advanced build features

You can read about the advanced build features here.

Pairing methodsBreed countProfit projectionsForced dominantsExcluded dominants

Last updated