Full analysis

The results are in

Automated pairing

After you've accepted the preflight analysis, the automated pairing will appear:

The automated pairing will maximize purification of your Axies as by ensuring that impurities are not aligned. This will create printer Axies over time!

It will also maximize the likelyhood that you'll get as many copies of a desired outcome as possible.

If you've input the expected prices and wanted margin, we also automatically set the breed count for you.

Good to know: You can always run the analysis again with different build settings, since your Axies have now been paid for

The output will be split up pr. build. At the end of each pairing there will be the Axies that we recommend you sell.

Drag'n drop

You can manually adjust the results by draggin and dropping Axies. The pair scores will be re-calculated instantly.


Once you're happy with the pairing, go to the bottom of the page and download the breeding input file by pressing the Breed button.

Here you can also download the launcher that will automatically carry out the breeding for you.

Last updated