Kickback referrals

Earn by telling other Axie breeders about us - LIMITED TIME!

Good to know: your kickbacks will be sent to the Ronin address you have associated with your Fish Pimp user. You can adjust it in the user profile.

How it works

For a limited time we are offering our early adopters an opportunity to earn by referring.

When you successfully refer someone, they will get a 12% discount on Street Cred, and you will instantly receive 12% of their deposits for all time.

Just landing one big breeder will give you solid passive income!

Imagine this.

You find a big breeder and tell him about us - they then deposit 10.000 SLP pr. 5 days.

With a referral percent of 12, 1200 SLP is sent directly back to you. At a SLP price of 4 cents, thats 50$ pr. 5 days for just one referral!


  1. Click the Referrals tab in the top menu (must be logged in)

  2. Create a new referral code by using the form in the top right

  3. A new code is created

  4. Copy the code link by clicking the clipboard icon

  5. Your clipboard will contain a link that looks similar to this:

  6. Get breeders to sign up using your link

  7. Profit!

Last updated